Street photography, a photographic approach to interpret in artistic and authorial way a public or private area continuously in transformation.

Intensive appointments of one or more days, the whole experience of Francesco matured in years of street photography, events and experiences with some of the main contemporary street photographers, both Italian and foreign.


  • Working


  • 05-07 July 2019 – Milan – Francesco Sembolini and Siegfried Hansen (New Old Camera)
  • 24-25 November 2018 – Brescia (Italy) Festival street photography Observa
  • September 2018 – Perugia
  • 20-22 July 2018 – Rimini (Italia). Francesco Sembolini and Siegfried Hansen
  • Aprile 2018 – Photowalk festival ISPF
  • Febbraio 2018 – Perugia (Olympus)
  • Gennaio 2018 – Roma
  • September 2017 – Perugia
  • July 2017 – Festival of Orbetello (collective ISE)
  • May 2017 – Perugia
  • March 2017 – Ravenna
  • Jenuary 2017 – Roma (collective ISE)
  • October 2016 – Perugia Olympus Dealer

Video workshop

Individual workshops One on One

The One on One workshop is an individual course based on the specific needs of the participant. See more here

Some Testimonials

“Ho avuto il piacere di seguire ben 4 workshop  di Francesco Sembolini. (Orbetello, Perugia 2, Roma) nella parte teorica del workshop la sua conoscenza tecnica e la sua cultura fotografica fanno sicuramente la differenza anche se poi il top sono le uscite con lui…. Diciamo che non è tanto per le chiacchiere ma per i fatti… Trasmette la sua “visione” di streetphotography e riesci a coglierne l’essenza. Numero 1.” Lorenzo

“Per me confermo che è stata una esperienza fantastica sia x quello che tu e Siegfred mi avete dato sia a livello professionale che umano ed anche x il gruppo favoloso. Devo ammettere che adesso quando esco mi guardo intorno con altre prospettive ma ammetto anche che le più volte non trovo l’ispirazione giusta. Ma verrà con il tempo credo e spero. Saluti a te e Sigfried e di nuovo grazie. ” Enio

“I joined the Street Photography workshop with Siegfried Hansen and Francesco Sembolini in Rimini 2018. A week has now passed since the workshop ended and these are my thoughts on why this was such a great experience for me.

  • First of all, Francesco and Siegfried are both great photographers. Their excellence and experience was apparent when we were out and about. They saw things and framed things on a completely other level than the participants did. While their photos may seem similar in style, they both had different approaches and different taste. So the participants got to learn a wider set of skills, learning from both photographers.
  • It was a very hands on experience. There was a bit of theory on the first day, and then most of the time we were out as a group shooting and getting small assignments. Both Siegfried and Francesco spent time 1on1 with the participants, helping them very practically with making the most of the scenes we encountered.
  • The theoretical part was interesting, learning similarities and differences between them, and how they think about their photography. Also, they spent time going through the participants photos and giving feedback, both in the beginning and end of the workshop. That was very valuable, hearing their feedback on your own and others photos.
  • The mood was overall relaxed and the schedule was adjusted to fit the participants and the weather. E.g. breaks were added for water since the weather was hot. We also had lunch together both days, which was nice. We spent a bit more time together than scheduled both Saturday and Sunday.
  • I took a bit of a risk joining this, since I knew I was probably the only international participant (the others being Italian). But the interpreter did a great job, and I naturally got to spend more time with Siegfried, being the only ones from abroad. There were some times I felt that I missed some nuances of Francescos tutoring, but all in all, it worked really well.
  • The workshop description didn’t say what level of photographers it was directed to (maybe something to include for future workshops), but it turned out to fit me just perfectly. Most participants were early in their street photography “careers”.
  • Overall, I learned a lot during the workshop. Both from the theoretical parts, but of course mainly from the practical bits and the editing/post processing. The main learnings were about 1. Composition/Framing (colors, details, what to include and not), 2. Practicalities (how to approach the scene and work it out), 3. Artistic vision and style (how to think about your work and how to move forward as a photographer).
  • An added touch was that they followed up with me afterwards checking in about my travel and my workshop experience.

I definitely recommend this workshop to other beginner or more experienced street photographers.” Micael

“Esperienza intensa che mi ha aperto gli occhi ad una nuova visione e punti di vista. La passione e la dedizione con cui Francesco trasmette la sua street photography è coinvolgente. Farò tesoro di questo percorso, per la street photography e non solo. Grazie ancora e altamente raccomandato.” Roberto

“I wanted to congratulate for this weekend’s workshop, until now I had always considered that street photography was just taking people back into original situations instead you and Siegfried made me discover that it can become its own interpretation of reality, transforming it from one’s point of view, making it surreal or ironic or even transforming it into a graphic representation. So far I have always tried to take care of the technical aspects of photography, neglecting the creative part a little, now thanks to the input received from you (but also from the other classmates), I am sure that when I see the play of light / shadows, a sign or whatever else you find as soon as you leave home I will begin to explore the possibilities that can be there to get an original shot. I hope to have an opportunity in the future to participate in your / your workshop” Walter

“Thank you!! I met two excellent photographers able of transmitting passion and photographic knowledge together” Giancarla 

“Thank you so much. Am really happy to see so many great pictures from everyone 😍 Thanks to you and Siegfried ! Betty